
Add an External Bank Account

Add an external bank account for a Customer or Recipient.


POST /v1/external-bank-accounts

Authorization Header

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Request Body


string, min length: 1, max length: 100

Name for the Financial Account. This is an informal name used for the account in RocketKOR.

accountHolderId  REQUIRED

string (UUID)

ID of the entity that owns the Financial Account. The account holder can be a Customer or Recipient.

accountHolderType  REQUIRED

string enum, values: CUSTOMER, RECIPIENT

Type of entity referenced by the accountHolderId field.

subtype  REQUIRED

string enum, values: CHECKING, SAVING

Financial Account subtype.


boolean, default: false

Whether this is the default Financial Account for transactions. If set to true, defaultFlag will be set to false for the previous default Financial Account.


string, min length: 3, max length: 3, default value: USD

Currency of the Financial Account. Must be an ISO 4217 alpha 3-character currency code. RocketKOR supports USD and CAD currencies.

bankAccount  REQUIRED


Details for the bank account attached to the Financial Account.

bankName  REQUIRED


Name of the financial institution.

routingNo  REQUIRED

string, max length: 9

Routing number for the financial institution.

accountNumber  REQUIRED

string, max length: 20

Bank account number.


string, min length: 1, max length: 40

Name of the bank account owner.

billingAddress  CONDITIONAL


Billing address for the bank account. Required if the Financial Account will be used for Wire transactions.

addressLine1  REQUIRED

string, min length: 1, max length: 50

Address line 1.


string, min length: 1, max length: 50

Address line 2.


string, min length: 1, max length: 50

Address line 3.


string, min length: 1, max length: 25



string, min length: 2, max length: 3

State, province, or territory. Required if country is USA or CAN. Must be an ISO 3166-2 uppercase alpha 2-character or 3-character country subdivision code. For example, Missouri is MO and Ontario is ON.

country  REQUIRED

string, min length: 3, max length: 3

Country. Must be an ISO 3166-1 uppercase alpha 3-character country code. For example, the United States is USA and Canada is CAN.

postalCode  REQUIRED

string, min length: 1, max length: 10

ZIP code or postal code. For US addresses, must be a valid value of 5 digits (example: 63368) or 5 digits-4 digits (example: 63368-5555). Can be alphanumeric for other countries.


Returns the Bank Financial Account object. This object contains the Financial Account details, including a unique ID for the account.


  "name": "Checking",
  "accountHolderId": "91365a4a-c040-4c37-bb8a-50f46edde48b",
  "accountHolderType": "CUSTOMER",
  "subtype": "CHECKING",
  "defaultFlag": true,
  "currency": "USD",
  "bankAccount": {
    "bankName": "CitiBank",
    "routingNo": "321171184",
    "accountNumber": "89674523",
    "nameOnAccount": "Mark Strong",
    "billingAddress": {
      "addressLine1": "625 Queen St",
      "addressLine2": "Suite 201",
      "addressLine3": "South Building",
      "city": "Vancouver",
      "state": "BC",
      "country": "CAN",
      "postalCode": "V5K 0A1"


  "id": "8th32z87-3845-9810-v7gu-1f827g98swk3",
  "businessAccountId": "a1d8b427-d2b2-4711-bc10-f515366bb8d6",
  "name": "Checking",
  "category": "EXTERNAL",
  "type": "BANK",
  "subtype": "CHECKING",
  "defaultFlag": true,
  "currency": "USD",
  "accountHolderId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "accountHolderType": "CUSTOMER",
  "state": "ACTIVE",
  "maskedAccountNumber": "******6790",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "59dff46b-03d3-449b-89bf-b8010770864f",
    "type": "employee"
  "createdAt": "2021-09-20T22:09:31.947Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "59dff46b-03d3-449b-89bf-b8010770864f",
    "type": "employee"
  "updatedAt": "2021-10-20T22:09:31.947Z",
  "bankAccount": {
    "bankName": "CitiBank",
    "routingNo": "321171184",
    "accountNumberTail": "4523"
    "nameOnAccount": "Mark Strong",
    "billingAddress": {
      "addressLine1": "625 Queen St",
      "addressLine2": "Suite 201",
      "addressLine3": "South Building",
      "city": "Vancouver",
      "state": "BC",
      "country": "CAN",
      "postalCode": "V5K 0A1"